I have a movie idea:
It opens at the religious ceremony uniting the Native American tribes. Sitting Bull tells of his prophecy of the Battle of the Little Bighorn.

The fight was an overwhelming victory for the Lakota, Northern Cheyenne, and Arapaho, who were led by several major war leaders, including Crazy Horse and Chief Gall, and had been inspired by the visions of Sitting Bull.

But in the movie, instead of splitting up, as they actually did, a powerful Ghost Dance ceremony was held. Because it was so powerful, after their major uniting and win, instead of channeling a spirit from the past, they channel a spirit from the future... A Native American fighter pilot from the 21st century. (and this is where it gets good) an ENTIRE MILITARY BASE with tanks and fighter jets and a massive gun armory.

So now the tribes are united with this native American fighter pilot and all these top of the line military weapons.

My question to you is: HOW DOES THE MOVIE END?